Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look What I Made!

I've been dying to make something for baby Tiddlywinks but because we don't know what Tiddlywinks is, I I've been reluctant to start sewing. Finally I decided to make somethings that would be unisex.Any baby would like books right? And I thought yellow ducks and turquoise could go either way.
I also couldn't resist buying some unisex clothes. I love Classic Winni the Pooh and I can't resist buying things that have Winni on them. Thus I now have a few onesies with Winni on them (they're yellow) and a cute beanie with Winni the Pooh's face one it. I also bought some yellow and green onesies that have some cute things on them. One says, "I love Daddy".


Jessie said...

Nesting already! Winni the Pooh is very classic. You're so cute, Sianny. You are going to be an awesome mommy. I like the blanket! Very well done. We still use the one you made me everyday. It's my favorite one in the house and it lives on the sofa.

Peter and Mandy said...

Very cute. Love the blanket and the Winnie the pooh stuff. I've been collecting pooh socks for about a year now (from the dollar bin at Target)....I have a large abundance of girl socks as all of the gals in the ward have been having boys lately.

Tara said...

Cute! We did a Classic Winnie the Pooh theme for my first 2 sons. LOVE IT!!!

Ellen said...

how long til you find out the sex? I love that you call little one tiddlywinks - so cute! and I love the blanket, the yellow and blue look fab! so excited for all my friends having babies!! hooray!