Thursday, March 8, 2012

Count Your Many Blessings, Name Them One By One...

When I was a child and I was having a hard time or was sad for some reason my mom would break out in song, singing, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done." I would roll my eyes and laugh at her but it would always head me in a happier direction. The last little while has been a study in counting my blessings and remembering what the Lord hath done.
If you'll remember from a previous post that Stephen and I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant,  two miscarriages, dealing with irregular periods, and not ovulating regularly. I have also recently found out I have Endometriosis which can eventually cause infertility. My amazing doctor decided that this past month we needed to step up our game and put me on a medicine to help me ovulate.
Fast forward a month to now, this morning I found out, even with the medicine, I didn't ovulate this month. I know it's not too big of a deal but it's still devastating. 
While this has been going on we have also had some sad news in our lives that have really taught me to count my blessings. 
Yesterday morning I received an email letting me know that Will's pediatrician had passed away. I was devastated. We have gotten to know Dr. Gregory Nielson well over the last 17 months. Will has been going to see him since he was 2 days old. Will was also hospitalized at 2 weeks old due to an E-coli infection on the back of his head. Dr. Nielson came every day to see how Will was doing and spent many hours reassuring this first time mom that her tiny son would be OK. He was an amazing doctor who took the time to listen to my concerns, make thorough assessments, and noticing any little changes. He was caring, understanding, and competent. To make things worse, he left a wife and very young children. The pain and sorrow his poor wife and children must be going through, I couldn't even imagine loosing Stephen right now. I can only pray for Dr. Nielson's family. 
A friend of mine also recently lost her 15 month-old nephew. Again, I can not even imagine the pain of the little boy's parents and family. My heart aches for them. 
This week I have shed so many tears for other families and through it all, it reminds me that I really do have so much to be grateful for. My family is healthy, sure we have our problems but when all is said and done, we are sealed together forever as a family and we can get through anything.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Oh, I couldn't have said it any better! Sometimes I sit back and can't believe what I have been blessed with!!! Sadly, sometimes it takes someone else's tragedies to help me realize this.

P.S. I still hope you get that second baby.