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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
2 Months Old
Will is 2 months old! I really don't believe it, the time has flown by!
Here are his stat from his 2 month check up
Height- 23 1/2 inches 75%
Weight- 11 lb 7 oz. 45%
Head Circ.- 15 3/4 inches 55%
He's getting SO big. He still is such a great baby. He loves to just take in his surroundings and his little brain is constantly working. He loves tummy time and I swear he's going to be crawling soon. He can lift his entire body off the blanket. I'm not too sure I'm ready for my baby to crawl, though.
Here are his stat from his 2 month check up
Height- 23 1/2 inches 75%
Weight- 11 lb 7 oz. 45%
Head Circ.- 15 3/4 inches 55%
He's getting SO big. He still is such a great baby. He loves to just take in his surroundings and his little brain is constantly working. He loves tummy time and I swear he's going to be crawling soon. He can lift his entire body off the blanket. I'm not too sure I'm ready for my baby to crawl, though.

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Family Pictures
My little sister took some pictures of our little family. They were taken with my little point and shoot camera but they turned out pretty nice, huh?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Happy Halloween!
I know Halloween is over but that's ok. It was a fun Halloween. We all dressed up. Will was Charlie Brown, Stephen was Linus and I was Lucy from the Peanuts. We are SO cute! I can't wait for next year when Will is a little more aware of what's going on.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Happy One Month Birthday Will!
My baby is one month old today! I can't even believe it. As I look back on the first month of my baby boy's life, so much has happened!

- 30 hours of labor followed by 2 1/2 of pushing
- A short visit to the NICU for antibiotics and a little jump start for his lungs
- Getting to see him for the first time up close
- Holding him for the first time
- Seeing Stephen hold him for the first time
- Coming home from the hospital
- Meeting so much of his extended family
- Going under the Jaundice lights
- His first bath
- Going back to the hospital because of an infection
- Watching him be poked with 10 million needles
- Being released from the hospital
- Going to his daddy's birthday party
- Tummy time
- Lots of trips to the doctor
- The first time he smiled at me
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Worst Day of My Life
I've had bad days before, even horrible day but Friday was the worst day of my life EVER! Will had to be admitted to the hospital due to an infection on a sore on his head. Stephen had noticed the sore when we were giving Will his first bath (pictures to come) and thought that it was something he got from his birth. When we had Will's 2 week appointment we mentioned it to the doctor, he took one look at it and declared it infected. He took some topical cultures and some blood work. gave us some antibiotics, told us to look out for signs of Will getting worse and sent us on our way. The next day, Friday, I noticed that Will was really lethargic, pale, he wasn't interested in eating and things that used to bother him, like getting his diaper changed, and I got a little worried. We went back into the doctor and he decided Will had gotten worse, despite the antibiotics and said Will would have to be admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Thus beginning my hellish experience.
We got to the hospital and the staff seemed uninterested in helping us, they suck us in a room and left us there, all the while I could hear all the nurses and a doctor laughing and chatting at the nurses station, Will just kept getting more and more pale and I got more and more nervous. I was to the point of freaking out and yelling at someone when we finally got a nurse to help us. She was somewhat useless, however, well I'm sure she wasn't useless and that's really not fair to say because I was not in the best state of mind just then, but anyway the nurse couldn't seem to get an IV started. She poked my poor baby 5+ times to no avail. Again my freak out impulse was growing and the nurse declared it was time for her to go home and we would have to wait for another nurse to come. I broke down, it is that hardest thing in the world to see your child crying and not being able to comfort them because you know that it's something that they need to be healthy. Luckily Stephen kept his head and we called my brother Jordan to help give Will a blessing. Jordan and his wife, Bri, came right over and the boys gave Will a priesthood blessing. That was a turning point in our hellish adventure. Shortly after Bri and Jordan left to get us some dinner, thanks guys, two new nurses appeared and shortly after that they found a vein and got an IV started. Thank heavens for those nurses! They were amazing! They got us calmed down, got Will comfortable and started on antibiotics and fluids, and gave us a private room so both Stephen and I could stay with Will.
Anyway, to make a long story short, Will is responding really well to the antibiotics and is getting better every day. Hopefully we will be able to take Will home today or tomorrow and proceed with oral antibiotics. Thank you everyone for the prayers and support.

Friday, October 1, 2010
One Week Old
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Surprise, Surprise!
Monday, September 20, 2010 35 Weeks!
So last weekend Stephen and I went camping with my sister, brother and their spouses. I know what you're thinking. She went camping when she was 35 weeks pregnant, is she nuts? Yes, I am. In my defense, however, Stephen and I didn't stay the night. We just went up for the evening. Even that we enough for me. Going to the bathroom without any facilities and a HUGE belly is no fun, let me tell you! We did have a great time otherwise though. Stephen had fun building the fire and I had fun watching everyone work :). All in all it was a great Friday night activity.
Oh, and the best part, the drive up:) It was SO bumpy that I thought I was going to deliver Will right then and there.
Oh, and the best part, the drive up:) It was SO bumpy that I thought I was going to deliver Will right then and there.
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